Different from non-stranded transcriptome library prep kits, this kit enables the insertion of dUTP during the 2nd strand synthesis of cDNA. The double-strand cDNA is digested with uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) to remove the second strand containing dUTP
before library enrichment. As a result, only information from the 1st strand cDNA is retained. In addition to standard transcriptome information, strand-specific (e.g. from sense or anti-sense DNA) information can also be obtained from NGS data analysis.
This kit is upgraded from VAHTS Stranded mRNA-seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina®. It significantly simplifies the operation process and improves library preparation efficiency. It is compatible with lower-input RNA. Libraries of specific sizes, which can be customized, can be obtained after size selections with magnetic beads.