2800 common mutation sites of oncogenes. When this product is used in conjunction with VAHTSTM AmpSeq Library Prep Kit V2 (Vazyme #NA201), 20 μl multiple amplification system needs to add 10 μl of this Panel (that is, the concentration of this Panel is 2×), which can perform highly uniform multiplex amplification on the target area. Amplifier builds library, and provides VAHTSTM AmpSeq Adapters 1-96 for Illumina (Vazyme #NA111) and VAHTSTM AmpSeq Adapters 1-96 for Ion Torrent (Vazyme #NA121) for different sequencing platforms. The premixed primer panel saves researchers the time to design and prepare primers, and is suitable for starting DNA templates as low as 1ng and a variety of complex templates, such as FFPE samples and cfDNA. The fragment size of the amplified product using this product is between 111 bp-187 bp.
Store at -30 ~ -15℃