100 rxn/kit
TransZol Up Plus RNA Kit is suitable for the isolation of total RNA from cells and tissues. TransZol Up is a reagent that uses guanidine isothiocyanate to lyse cells and efficiently extract high-purity RNA from various tissues and cells while maintaining RNA integrity. After the sample is lysed with TransZol Up, the solution separates into an upper colorless aqueous phase (containing RNA), an interphase and a lower pink organic phase. A silica-based spin column is used to specifically bind to RNA in the aqueous phase. Compared with other total RNA extraction methods, TransZol Up Plus RNA Kit possesses not only advantages of strong lysis capability, high yield and a wide range of applications of TransZol Up, but also the advantage of high purity of spin column extraction.
- Strong lysis capability: Complete and fast lysis, high yield.
- Rapid extraction: Completed in one hour.
- Visible workflow: Pink organic phase to facilitate separation from colorless aqueous phase
- High purity: Minimum DNA and protein contamination.
See protocol details in manual:
Sample Requirements:
A wide range of applications enabled by the maximum binding capacity of the spin column of 100 μg: animal and plant tissues, viruses, bacteria or other samples.
Small amount of samples (50-100 mg tissues, 5×10^6 cells, or 200 μl blood) and large amount of samples (≥1g tissues or ≥10^7 cells).
TransZol Up Reagent at 4°C in dark; other components at room temperature (15°C- 25°C)
Kit Content: |
Components |
ER501-01 (100 rxns) |
TransZol Up |
100 ml |
Clean Buffer 9 (CB9) |
110 ml |
Wash Buffer 9 (WB9) |
24 ml |
RNase-free Water |
40 ml |
RNA Spin Column with Collection Tubes |
100 each |
RNase-free Tube (1.5 ml) |
100 each |
Literature Citing This Product.
Literature |
Journal |
Author |
Link |
The AtrbohF-dependent regulation of ROS signaling is required for melatonin-induced salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis |
free radical biology and medicine |
Ziping Chen,et al. 2017 |
A systematic analysis of the role of GGDEF-EAL domain proteins in virulence and motility in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola |
Scientific Reports |
Wei C, et al. 2016 |
Muscovy duck reovirus σNS protein triggersautophagy enhancing virus replication |
Virology Journal |
Yijian Wu,et al. 2017 |
The Persimmon 9-lipoxygenase Gene DkLOX3 Plays Positive Roles in Both Promoting Senescence and Enhancing Tolerance to Abiotic Stress |
Hou Y, et al. 2015 |
Transcriptome Sequencing Analysis Reveals a Difference in Monoterpene Biosynthesis between Scented Lilium 'Siberia' and Unscented Lilium 'Novano' |
Zenghui Hu,et al. 2017 |