Used for end-point PCR, this product is available in a version containing electrophoresis buffer and dye. It can be directly electrophoresed after the reaction. The 3' end of the PCR product, A base, can be directly cloned into the T vectors (e.g., our TA-cloning kits: https://www.genebiosystems.com/50-ta-cloning-kits)
When using this product for qPCR reactions, reliable standard curve can be obtained in a wide range and accurate qualification of target genes can be achieved with high repeatability and reliability.
Please note: this product does not contain loading dye for gel electrophoresis, therefore, loading buffer with dye must be added before loading PCR products onto gels.
For the HotStart Taq 2 x Master Mix pre-spiked with loading dye, please refer to GB-Amp™ HotStart Taq 2x Master Mix (with Loading Dye) P2041b https://www.genebiosystems.com/pcr-reagents/260802-hot-start-taq-2x-master-mix.html