Single Cell Sequence Specific Amplification Kit

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Single Cell Sequence Specific Amplification Kit

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¥43,100 JPY
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¥43,100 JPY
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Each kit contains reagents for RNA extraction and purification, reverse transcription, and PCR amplification that have been optimized together in a simple workflow in one tube, which can save time, reduce experimental error, reduce pollution, and improve sensitivity. The kit can also be applied to one-step amplification of 2-1000 cells, and the cycle number should be reduced according to the number of cells.

Components P621-01 (200 rxn)
2 x Reaction Mixa 500 μl
RT/Taq enzymeb 20 μl
Nuclease-free H2O 1.25 ml x 2

a. Contains dNTP Mix, Mg2+ specific enhancer.
b. Contains Hiscript® II Reverse Transcriptase, RNase inhibitor, Champagne TaqTM DNA Polymerase

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